News & Publications

On this page, you can find our publications in different disease areas and all the latest news and updates related to Porsolt.


Hot off the Press !! ??? Porsolt is proud to announce our most recent publication in #Cancers journal, focusing on potential treatments …

Porsolt has unique expertise and capabilities to evaluate acute and delayed #emesis by implanting telemetry devices that can track the occurrence of …

Porsolt logo

A productive time at Porsolt this week for our mid-year Sales and Marketing meeting, with #workshops and #strategizing, together with some nice …

Central Nervous System

“Early stage GLP safety assessment can be a deal breaker” will be presented by Kendall Walker PhD. from Porsolt this week at …


Coughing is one of the most common symptoms associated with respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, and pulmonary fibrosis. Porsolt has …

Porsolt’s newly developed Real Time PCR (qPCR) capabilities can be used to detect key molecular pathway modulations at early stages and quantitate …

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Porsolt is vigorously continuing our research and collaborations in 2023 with our most recent publication in partnership with COMETE INSERM/UNICAEN UMR-S1075 on …

Porsolt Histology Services

Porsolt has significantly invested in cutting-edge equipment and histology resources to capitalize on the wealth of data that can be achieved from …


#Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease of the human skin and is considered the most common autoimmune disease in man, affecting 2-3% of …

Central Nervous System

? Porsolt has started 2023 strongly with our first publication announcement ?, contributing a chapter in the latest edition (3rd) of ‘Drug …


Z.A. de Glatigné
53940 Le Genest-Saint-Isle, France
Telephone +33 2 43 69 36 07

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